What to do when you are having trouble creating -
This happens to everyone, at one point in their lives and sometimes several points, we all have a time when we just can't think of something to draw, paint, sculpt, photograph, whatever your medium. We hit a spot that is like a brick wall, we cannot seem to go any further.
Well, you are the master of your environment, take control of it and shake it up a bit. Experiment with a different medium, if you are currently painting with oils, try photographing, if you are working on a sculpture try a pastel painting. the trick is to get those creative juices flowing once again, don't think you can't, think you can and it will happen, all you have to do is try.
The thing to remember is to not give up but continue to try new and different things that might ignite a spark of creativity in you.
It is not going to be easy and it may take a little bit of time but it will come back to you.
Go ahead and try it the next time you hit that brick wall.
Create, create, create.
