Cast aside the old and begin with new thoughts, new ideas. Try something new and unusual, something that you have always wanted to try but didn't have the artistic nerve to attempt. No fear, just make the attempt.
Whether it be painting with a different medium or sculpting with a different material or even just taking photographs with a different lens!! Just do it. You will surprise yourself with what you can accomplish if you would only try.
A great masterpiece is awaiting the chance to be created by you! Dig down deep, into your inner self and really shoot for the moon this year. I am sure you will not regret it.
Even if you feel that you have tried every medium, every technique, every style, there is always the chance to create something new, something that nobody has ever seen before. Strive to come up with the next big thing that everyone will be talking about and every gallery will want to show your work and every one will want to copy. You just have to try.
So, get into your studio or get out into the field and create.