Creativity in the Modern Age.

Art has had it's horizons expanded by the advent of the computer.
It allows us to freely create far more than we could with mere paint and
brush or pen and ink. Although I love using Oils and Inks, I can now
take those images I create and explore the endless possibilities that
are afforded me with the simple introduction of my base work into the
different computer programs and utilize their potential for artistic
expansion into previously unattainable lengths.
Most Artists today don't fully realize how much of a help the internet is, not only as a technical learning resource but connectivity to other Artists around the globe. To be able to reach across the earth through blogs allows for so much in depth creative information to be passed from one artist to another. The internet also allows Artists the chance to showcase their works around the globe, something that was unheard of years ago but for a very few of the elites that had their work shown in exclusive galleries and even then they were still very limited in the scope of people who would be able to view their art.