Saturday, December 29, 2012

Creating When You Don't Feel Like It

Creating when you don't feel like it, sounds like something your dad or mom would tell you to do, well, yeah probably but it is something you need to think about very carefully.
  There are always going to be times when you don't feel like creating for varied reasons.  These reasons could be that you don't feel well, you might have had too rough a night last night or even the weather is bad and you feel glum and don't want to risk making something glum. Well!
Try to put everything into perspective, your daily routine, your self , your body's need to create.
I find that when I don't feel like creating and I force myself to sit down and try something different with my paints or digital work, once I get started, the reason that I felt like not creating goes away and the piece I create or group of works, is more powerful than I could have gotten  the day before.
Seems odd but the act of creating gives the body a strength to move forward that is usually hidden from our normal daily lives until the need presents itself.

So, allow your creative juices flow even in times of sickness or bad feelings about you daily situation and you will find that inner power and strength to do great things.
Go and create something today!  I know I will.

Don't forget to visit my Galleries on FAA at My Galleries at FAA

Have a Happy New Year!!!


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