Creating art that you like is probably the most important point that can be made. If you like what you are creating, if you like the subject matter, the medium, the colors or the textures, anything about it, you will be much happier with not only the final piece but the whole process of creating it.
I have been commissioned to do pieces that I absolutely hated but having to eat, I held my nose and did the work. Was it my best work? no, was it an enjoyable process? No.
So, If you can, work with what makes you smile, something that you will look at when it is finished and say to yourself "Yes, I Love It".
You have to be honest with yourself, be true to what moves you as an artist. If you like landscapes, then by all means do landscapes. If you are not sure, experiment with different mediums and techniques, with different subject matters or even at different times of the day. I knew an artist who loved to paint before the sun came up and then sleep all day and yet another who could only paint from 12 noon till 4 pm.
Whatever makes you happy, do it.
The whole key is to create what you want and like to create.
Now go out there and create something wonderful!!
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