Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year, New Challenges.

New Year, New Challenges.

Welcome to 2013!   Forget about any mistakes that were made in 2012, they're history.  Time now to look forward to the future that awaits.  This is a new year, a new chance to accomplish that which had escaped you in the past.
      If you had a great 2012 and you made no mistakes, congratulations!  You can make this new year even better.  Go and get your paints and canvases ready or your camera or your sculptors chisel or torch, or sit down at your computer and start creating.  Expand on what you started or tried last year and create something new and exciting.  Create, create, create, that is what is important now.
     Whether you need to get some more works finished for a scheduled show or maybe you have a project that is important to you alone, get them completed.  You owe it to yourself to advance your creative footprint.
    There is a great wide world out there full of challenges and people starving for someone to create that magic something to take their minds off the dreary and sad state their world may be around them.  Put a thought in someone's mind, create works that make them think or create art that will put a smile on a person's face that would otherwise go undone.

Remember, the future is what you make it.
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