Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Even in Pain Creativity Never Ceases!

I have been in pain lately, at times quite severe pain.  I tore something in my right knee and have been unable to stand, walk, sit or even lay down without pain shooting through my knee.  
It makes it hard to concentrate sometimes but I just power through it and go ahead with the task at hand.  
         When you are in pain from one reason or another, it is quite easy to see how nice it would be to close your eyes and wish all the pain away, well that isn't gonna happen.  So, deal with it.  Stretch yourself to go past the pain, go past the concentration block, the wall in front of your creative path.
         I do not take prescription meds for the pain, just over the counter stuff to keep the swelling down.  Maybe if I had the other type of meds it might help my creativity??? No, I don't think so.  Drugs, whether legal or not only aid in confusing the mind.  If you have talent , you will find that you are much more creative with a clear mind and have no need for it to be altered in any way.  
       When  I start creating, my pain actually drifts away and leaves for a spell.  
Go ahead an try it, the next time you are in pain.  Creativity takes your mind off the pain. Art Prints Websites for Artists

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Create, Create, Create!

Whenever you get the feeling that you need to take a break and relax and do something other than create a new piece of art, that is the time to CREATE another new piece! Yes! When you feel you cannot lift that brush or that pen or camera or type on that keyboard or ( you get the picture), you need to push yourself just a bit more and just do it. Create something new. You may try to create a different type or a different style or use a different technique or maybe try a different art form altogether, the important thing is to CREATE. If you need to take a break because you are bored or stuck in a rut or have a creative block, trying a new medium might be just the thing to get your creative juices flowing again. If you paint with oils, try watercolor or maybe even pastels or a simple black & white Ink drawing , you would be surprised with the challenge of black & white after relying on a full color palette . Maybe, try limiting yourself to only using One color or only two or three?? The results may be just what you have been searching for and it will open up a whole new world for your artistic mind to wander through in happiness and peace. Try it for yourself and let me know how that works for you. You might find that you have been using the wrong techniques or medium and needed the change to better yourself as an artist.

Art Prints Websites for Artists

Friday, June 21, 2013

What to do when you are having trouble creating.

What to do when you are having trouble creating - This happens to everyone, at one point in their lives and sometimes several points, we all have a time when we just can't think of something to draw, paint, sculpt, photograph, whatever your medium. We hit a spot that is like a brick wall, we cannot seem to go any further. Well, you are the master of your environment, take control of it and shake it up a bit. Experiment with a different medium, if you are currently painting with oils, try photographing, if you are working on a sculpture try a pastel painting. the trick is to get those creative juices flowing once again, don't think you can't, think you can and it will happen, all you have to do is try. The thing to remember is to not give up but continue to try new and different things that might ignite a spark of creativity in you. It is not going to be easy and it may take a little bit of time but it will come back to you. Go ahead and try it the next time you hit that brick wall. Create, create, create. Art Prints

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Creating Art that you like.

Creating art that you like is probably the most important point that can be made. If you like what you are creating, if you like the subject matter, the medium, the colors or the textures, anything about it, you will be much happier with not only the final piece but the whole process of creating it. I have been commissioned to do pieces that I absolutely hated but having to eat, I held my nose and did the work. Was it my best work? no, was it an enjoyable process? No. So, If you can, work with what makes you smile, something that you will look at when it is finished and say to yourself "Yes, I Love It". You have to be honest with yourself, be true to what moves you as an artist. If you like landscapes, then by all means do landscapes. If you are not sure, experiment with different mediums and techniques, with different subject matters or even at different times of the day. I knew an artist who loved to paint before the sun came up and then sleep all day and yet another who could only paint from 12 noon till 4 pm. Whatever makes you happy, do it. The whole key is to create what you want and like to create. Now go out there and create something wonderful!! Websites for Artists

Friday, April 5, 2013

How to Create Art and Still feel good about yourself.

How can I create art and still feel good about myself????? I have asked myself that question quite a few times and I always come back to the same answer, Do what you like , not what people say you should do. If they want you to paint or sculpt something that makes you feel sick in the pit of your stomach, then Say No! You create because you feel you must, every pore in your body is screaming for you to create. Create what YOU WANT, what will make you feel good inside. I know that it is hard to say no to money but believe me , you will feel much better about yourself in the long run. You can create anything you want to create, the buyers will come, eventually. Be strong and stay your course, you will be glad you did.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

You Call That Art?

              You may or may not be familiar with this phrase. Has anyone ever said it to you? No? Well, that just means you are not reaching over the edge of creativity, you are not trying to push the envelope.
               If you have heard it, then you have been doing something right. Right? You say done something Right?? Yes, I believe that every artist needs to try something outside of their comfort zone at least once, twice if it works out ok.
              You can always go back to the safety of your normal works but at least you will have tried. I don't want you to think I am against the safe way to go, I'm not, I just think every artist simply needs to get a taste of something new and different. You never know what you might discover. A new technique, a new style, anything is possible. You just got to be willing to try.

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year, New Challenges.

New Year, New Challenges.

Welcome to 2013!   Forget about any mistakes that were made in 2012, they're history.  Time now to look forward to the future that awaits.  This is a new year, a new chance to accomplish that which had escaped you in the past.
      If you had a great 2012 and you made no mistakes, congratulations!  You can make this new year even better.  Go and get your paints and canvases ready or your camera or your sculptors chisel or torch, or sit down at your computer and start creating.  Expand on what you started or tried last year and create something new and exciting.  Create, create, create, that is what is important now.
     Whether you need to get some more works finished for a scheduled show or maybe you have a project that is important to you alone, get them completed.  You owe it to yourself to advance your creative footprint.
    There is a great wide world out there full of challenges and people starving for someone to create that magic something to take their minds off the dreary and sad state their world may be around them.  Put a thought in someone's mind, create works that make them think or create art that will put a smile on a person's face that would otherwise go undone.

Remember, the future is what you make it.
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